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Moroccan tagine with beef and vegetables

Among the popular and famous dishes in morocco we find, tagines which are so delicious. The moroccan tagine is easy to make it, it takes just 1 hour to be cooked, it contains a variety of vegetables that feed the body with energy. INGREDIENTS 1Kg of beef . Sliced onion. 2 tomatoes. Garlic. Three tablespoons…

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The Moroccan harira soup

Is a kind of  traditional soup in morocco, that is mostly consumed in Morocco, it is rich of protein, in which all Moroccans break their fast during the months of Ramadan, and it tastes best accompanied by dates and some sweet Moroccan chebakia.  This recipe is one of the staples for any Moroccan cook, so…

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Moroccans’ pastilla with chicken and almonds

Pastilla or bestila is considered as one of the most famous Moroccan dishes, which is served at most celebrations in morocco, including weddings, births… etc INGREDIENTS 500g or 10 brick dough sheets 2 tablespoons icing sugar 10 tablespoons butter, melted Ground cinnamon For the chicken and egg filling Chicken containes 2 kg 5 tablespoons unsalted butter 4 onions, thinly sliced…